Services at Cherokee Herb Shop
Reflexology Reflexology is a science that deals with the principle that there are reflexes in the hands and feet that correspond to each organ and body part. It is believed that stimulating these reflexes can help the body to relax and restore proper nerve flow and blood flow, which in turn, can help the body heal.

Pronounced Ray-Kee, this technique was developed by a Japanese monk almost 100 years ago. Reiki is a type of “laying on of hands” and works holistically to affect the energies in the body for stress reduction, relaxation and healing. Studies have shown that it can significantly reduce pain, anxiety, blood pressure and respiration rate.
Soul Reading
This intuitive reading of the energy field of the body is helpful in detecting where the person may be out of balance energetically. It is non-invasive and no-touch. The client remains fully clothed while standing or sitting during the session. Recommendations are made according to the results the practitioner intuits. When we know where we are out of balance, we can then make the appropriate changes that may help return us to a state of health and harmony. Each session lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Nutritional Consultations
We offer this service to help you develop a nutritional program to optimize your health. Each program is tailored to meet the needs of the individual and will include a discussion of your present health, your objectives for the future, a food program, a supplement program, as well as emotional support. Each consultation lasts approximately 90 minutes.
Raindrop Technique
This non-invasive treatment performed on the back, legs, and feet, combines the relaxing effects of pure essential oils and Vita-Flex techniques to assist the body in correcting issues in the curvature of the spine.
Life Coaching
If you find yourself stuck, either physically, emotionally, or spiritually, this may be the help you require. Life coaching invokes clearing the negativity out of your life, setting goals and laying out a path to achieve them.
All services are available by appointment.
Call for rates and appointment times.